It is not necessary to visit beauty salons every month to look well-groomed and attractive. You can get rid of wrinkles and improve the condition of your skin at home.
Homemade masks with natural ingredients are the best anti-aging products.
Recipes from improvised means.
Nature and our refrigerator are a repository of beauty and health. Effective masks can be made not only from pharmaceutical ingredients, but also from fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs, essential oils and honey.
With the help of home cosmetics, you can smooth out the first superficial wrinkles, facial folds and even make deep age-related imperfections less noticeable. Anti-wrinkle masks based on egg whites or yolks are especially popular.
For example, a protein recipe for oily skin:
- protein – 1 piece;
- sour cream – 1 tablespoon. l. ;
- freshly squeezed lemon juice – 1 tsp.
Mix all the ingredients and apply the mask evenly on your face for 20 minutes. It is necessary to rinse with warm, not hot, water. Egg white has the ability to deeply cleanse and dry the skin.

Yolk recipe for dry skin:
- yolk – 1 piece;
- fresh liquid honey – 1 teaspoon;
- olive oil – 1 tsp.
First, you need to cleanse your face with a scrub and only then apply the honey-egg mixture. You can keep this mask for no more than 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water. After the procedure, it is advisable to apply a moisturizing cream.
Homemade anti-wrinkle face masks can be used up to 4 times a week. In addition, the yolks and whites improve the complexion and nourish the skin with vitamins and microelements.
Recipes with pharmaceutical ingredients.
There are a large number of masks to smooth wrinkles and rejuvenate based on pharmaceutical ingredients. The following are considered effective and safe:
- succinic acid,
- mumiyo,
- sodium alginate,
- acetylsalicylic acid,
- jelly,
- glycerol,
- clay of various colors,
- propolis,
- fish fat.
Thus, a mask with succinic acid will help restore firmness, elasticity and a healthy appearance to the skin, in addition to eliminating swelling and small scars. The preparation method is simple:
- Crumble 1 succinic acid tablet and frozen mummy.
- Add almond oil (1 teaspoon) or jojoba oil.
- Mix everything well until the powder is completely dissolved in the oil.
- Apply the mask to your face with a special cosmetic brush.
- After 20 minutes, rinse with plain or mineral water.

Also among pharmaceuticals, acetylsalicylic acid is especially popular. Homemade face masks with acetylsalicylic acid in combination with clay can improve blood circulation, restore the epidermis and eliminate not only wrinkles, but also acne.
Mask recipe:
- Grind 6 acetylsalicylic acid tablets into a powder.
- Dissolve the powder in 5-10 ml of not hot water.
- Add blue or pink cosmetic clay (1 tsp).
- Add light liquid honey (0. 5 tsp).
- Mix well all the ingredients. You should get a plastic mass.
A clay mask with acetylsalicylic acid can be kept on the face for no more than 15 minutes. During this time, it will have time to dry and can then be washed.
Recipes with essential oils
The best anti-wrinkle masks are those that contain essential oils, after which you won't have to wait long for results. The first changes will be noticeable after a few procedures.
Recipe with aloe and geranium oil:
- Mix aloe gel (1 teaspoon), avocado oil (1 teaspoon), geranium essential oil (5 drops), vitamin E (5 drops).
- Apply the mask in a thick layer to the facial skin, including the eye contour area.
- In 15 minutes part of the composition will be absorbed. Residue should be removed with a dry cloth.
- Additionally, you can clean your face with chamomile infusion.
A mask with almond oil, which was used by the women of Ancient Egypt, is also very useful. The recipe is simple:
- Add rose essential oil (up to 3 drops) to warm almond oil (1 teaspoon). Mix everything well.
- Apply the oil mask to your face with massaging movements.
- No need to rinse. The composition will be completely absorbed within 30-40 minutes.
A nourishing mask with coconut oil or essential cocoa butter will help smooth wrinkles over the upper lip, as well as improve the condition of the lips themselves.

Product-Based Recipes
If you don't have various oils and pharmaceutical products on hand, you can look for the mask ingredients in the refrigerator. Product-based recipes are more suitable for the first superficial wrinkles that form before the age of 35.
Masks with vegetables
Homemade anti-wrinkle masks with vegetables quickly refresh, tone the skin and relieve fatigue. For example, you can often find cucumbers, carrots, potatoes and pumpkins on hand. Cucumber masks always give quick and magnificent results.
Recipe with whitening effect:
- Peel the fresh cucumber and potatoes. Grind until puree.
- Pour the released cucumber and potato juices into a separate container.
- Add 3 drops of olive oil to the vegetable puree. Stir well. The mask is ready.
- Pour the vegetable juice into an ice tray and put it in the freezer.
The mask can be used for any skin type, including application to lips and eyelids. The best time for the procedure is the morning after waking up and the night before going to bed.
Vegetable ice is intended to consolidate the result. A light massage with an ice cube will help relieve swelling and restore elasticity and fresh appearance to the skin.
Masks with fruits
Fruit masks against wrinkles have proven effective. At home you can prepare healthy mixtures based on bananas, apples, peaches, grapefruits and lemon.
Attention!Recipes containing citrus fruits should be approached with caution: they are only suitable for oily skin that is not prone to allergic reactions.
The best nutritional mask with banana is considered:
- Mash 50 g of ripe banana.
- Add fresh herb honey (1 tsp).
- Add 30% heavy cream (1 teaspoon).
- Mix all ingredients well until smooth.
- Apply to facial skin for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Banana perfectly moisturizes and nourishes with vitamins C and E, which, in turn, slow down the aging process of skin cells.

Masks with berries
Berries are the most valuable gifts of nature, living cosmetics that tone, nourish, moisturize, refresh perfectly and act as antioxidants. You can prepare a lifting mask to soften your face with strawberries:
- Mash large ripe strawberries (5 pieces).
- Add 0. 5 tsp. honey and peach oil.
- Add 5 drops of vitamins A and E. Mix all ingredients well.
- If the mixture is too thin, you can drain off the excess liquid.
- You can keep the mask on your face for no more than 20 minutes. Rinse with plain or micellar water.
You can also get rid of wrinkles at home using currants.
Rejuvenating mask recipe: using a blender, combine a handful of ripe berries, a tablespoon of whole sour cream and 9% cottage cheese, 10 ml of shea essential oil. Spread the resulting mixture evenly on a cosmetic napkin, with which you then cover your face.
It is recommended to wash the remains of the mask in a contrasting way, i. e. first with warm water, then cold, then warm again.
Herbal masks
Men especially love herbal masks, because in addition to removing wrinkles, they also perfectly eliminate greasy shine, puffiness and relieve inflammation after shaving. The simplest softening mask can be prepared with parsley:
- Squeeze the juice from two bunches of parsley.
- Add milk to the juice (if you have oily skin) or sour cream (if you have dry skin). The amount of parsley juice and dairy product should be approximately the same.
- You can apply the mask not only on the face, but also on the eyelids and lips.
- After 15 minutes, wash with lukewarm water.
Instead of milk and sour cream, you can also use full-fat kefir or natural yogurt without additives.

Masks against the first age-related changes.
The first age-related changes are easier to deal with than deep wrinkles. Gelatin, as a source of collagen, is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin and prevents the formation of wrinkles and rough folds.
You will have to make efforts and spend time, since making an anti-wrinkle mask with gelatin is not so easy:
- Pour 1 tsp. gelatin with cold herbal decoction (30 ml). You can use a decoction of chamomile, thread, sage or calendula.
- After 40 minutes, when the gelatin swells, the resulting mass should be heated in a water bath. Don't boil!
- Add some oats to the warm mixture to make it thick and viscous for ease of use.
- Apply the finished mask on your face for no more than 20 minutes.
- You can remove the mask with a dry cloth and then wash with cold water.
Gelatin mask against wrinkles is the most effective and safe remedy for women under 40 years of age.
Proven recipes to get rid of deep wrinkles.
A mask with propolis is an ideal remedy for deep wrinkles, which also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents.
If you are not allergic to bee products, you can prepare the following softening mask:
- Combine coconut oil (1 tablespoon) with 2 g of crushed propolis.
- Heat the mixture in the microwave or in a water bath for 1 minute. Let cool.
- Apply the resulting mask to clean skin for 20 minutes.
- Wash with chamomile or oregano decoction.
If your friendship with honey products does not work, then you should pay attention to a more harmless cream face mask, which can also be prepared at home.
You only need 3 ingredients: rich baby cream, vitamins A and E. How to prepare and use:
- Mix vitamins (0. 5 teaspoons each) with baby cream (2 tablespoons) and mix well.
- Apply a thick, even layer to the face for 20 minutes.
- Some of the vitamin cream will be absorbed and some will need to be removed with a soft, dry cloth.
You can use this mask 3-4 times a week for a month. The first results will be noticed after the first week of use.

How to choose a mask depending on age and skin type?
Anti-aging masks must contain the elements that the skin lacks. You can understand what exactly the body is lacking by testing or by obvious symptoms, including skin type.
If the skin is oily, then it needs compounds that narrow the pores, dry it and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. If you have a dry skin type, then you need ingredients with a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect.
The safety of a new anti-wrinkle mask can first be tested not on the face, but on another part of the body. If after a day no allergic reactions appear on the skin, you can try applying the product to your face.
Until the age of 35, it is better to use fruit, vegetable and milk masks. After 40 years, you should pay attention to basic and essential oils, additional vitamins in powder or liquid form, and various natural activators.
How to prepare and apply?
Any, even the best anti-wrinkle mask, should be applied to a previously cleansed face. To do this, you can use a gentle exfoliant or a normal toner. Also, don't forget about other rules:
- It is better to prepare the mask in a glass container. The use of metal is strictly not recommended.
- It is best to use the mask immediately after preparing it (unless otherwise indicated in the recipe). It is not necessary to store ready-made mixtures for a long time, they lose their beneficial properties.
- Masks that do not require rinsing are most effective when applied with massaging movements.
- Lifting masks should be used with caution in cases of severe obesity and after plastic surgery.
- After the procedure, you should not immediately go out into the sun or frost.
- You must read the recipe instructions carefully, because not all masks can be used for the skin around the eyes and lips.
Homemade anti-wrinkle masks are considered the safest and most economical option. The preparation will not take much time and the positive effect will not take long to come.